How To Sell At Antiques Shows And Flea Markets
 Buyers examining trains for sale at an antique show
From the Desk of Terry Gibbs
A while back, I was interviewed about selling antiques and collectibles at shows and flea markets.
This is one of the best interviews I've ever done. I started selling at shows in 1976, and Lorraine started about the same time. It's 96 minutes of two experienced antiques dealers talking about antiques shows transcribed in an easy to read report.
Here's just some of the stuff you'll learn:
- Selecting the right antique shows to attend.
How to determine what merchandise is most likely to sell at each show.
How the number of days a show lasts effects the items you offer.
How to decide whether to sell an item at a show or on eBay.
How to learn what shows aren't worth going to at all without going.
The things a show promoter must do to have a successful show and how to find out if they are being done.
The easiest way to increase your sales at a show.
Things you should look for on the show's flyers before deciding to attend.
Terry's 3 criteria for a good show. This will help you maintain a great attitude during the show.
An easy way to tie yourself into the collector grapevine and have a lot of fun too.
Ways thieves steal at shows and how to protect yourself.
How to protect yourself when someone accuses you of having items stolen from them.
How to negotiate with buyers.
A simple trick to make buyers more interested completing a deal.
How to create a buying frenzy at a small show.
How to get a buyer to talk himself into buying something.
How to get buyers to buy more items.
A simple attitude adjustment that will improve your negotiating skills.
And much more. . .
We also spent some time discussing the things my dad did to encourage me to get involved in collection. If you have kids this section will help you foster an enjoyment in collecting and doing shows in your children.
Right now you can get this valuable interview in an easy to read PDF for only $4.97 using PayPal or a credit/debit card and be reading it in minutes.
NOTE: After paying with PayPal or a credit/debit card, you will either be redirected back to IWantCollectibles to download the interview automatically, or you'll need to click on a return to merchant link on the payment confirmation screen.
Here's a comment about this interview from one of my newsletter readers:
Hi Terry!
I am glad I am still receiving your newsletter as I am really happy
every time I get one, really.
Can I tell you that in my opinion your interview "how to sell at
antiques shows and flee markets" is way too cheap?
After paying you will download the book and read it on your computer or tablet. If you are unable to download the interview, send an email to as a reply to the PayPal receipt and I will send you a copy of the PDF by email.
PS If you aren't sure selling at antique shows is right for you, read my Comparison Of Selling Antiques At Shows Versus On eBay